TWU College of Business invited Dr. Said Davlatov to share his wisdom on leadership and entrepreneurship at How to Become a Successful Leader with students at Texas Woman’s University. To be a leader and achieve success, Said inspired students to:

  • Invest in Yourself and Your Knowledge:  The best investment is an investment in yourself! The more you learn and apply in your life, the more you earn and are able to serve others and give back. “Spend money doing good, bringing more good into the world.”
  • Plan Your Future:  Imagine and write down everything you want in your life for the next 100 years. If you don’t plan your future, someone else will.
  • Get a Mentor:  “Only a great person can help another person become great.” Identify a person who is where you want to be and ask them to be your mentor. By using and applying your mentor’s experience, you start further in the process and will ultimately reach your goals faster.
  • Be a Mentor:  “Share everything you know with others.” Whether you believe it or not, someone looks up to you because you are where they want to be. Use your knowledge to help someone else create their own success.

No matter what your current situation is, by taking the first step, you can become a successful leader. And, if you need help along the way, Said and his Worldpreneur team can help you get there.